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Ride for Ted 20/02/2016

Saturday 20 February 2016, 08:00am - 05:00pm

by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Hits : 865

As a club I think it is nice that we look out for each other in many ways. Most of us know about the finantial drain when a member of the family cant work let alone needing continual medical treatment.

Anyone who has been around this great club for more than a year or so would have most likely come in contact with Ted Hemmingway and the man love he spreads, not only is he one of the finest human beings you could come in contact with but for most of us we have the privilege of calling him a mate.

Gary Clarke and I had a chat today and have decided that we would like to put a ride on in Teds honor and in the mean time raise some cash to assist Ted and Helen with his recovery from his recent bought of Jack the Dancer.

We will take donations of just about any kind from Cash to goods donations that can be used for raffle prizes etc. The ride details are as follows-

The ride for Ted will be held on Saturday the 20/2/2016 at Neerim South, the main ride will be a Level 1 slash 2 ride and will be adjusted according to the riders capabilities. If thier is enough attending we will also run a Level 2 plus loop at the same time.

The Level 1 slash 2 ride will be open type terrain like Darren has been using for his loops around Neerim, some of it may be challenging if you have never ridden in the bush before but of you have done 1 or 2 Phil rides it will be a breaze.

There is no charge to enter the ride and no requirement to make donations or buy raffle tickets, but please remember what this day is all about, so if you can open your wallet even if it is just to let one moth out it will be great appreciated. If you cant make the ride and you wish to donate,cash can be deposited straight into the club bank account or passed onto someone who is comming along, or you can contact myself or Gary Clarke or our club President Mat Richmond.

We are also looking for some members to assist with the running of day, we need a couple of people to cook the barby, look after the raffle and ride attendees draw etc. But if most of us could just keep an eye out for any sponsors of goods that would be awesome too.

Location : Neerim South
Contact : Will Munro 0477690699 Gary Clarke 0402130135
