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Cheynes Bridge / Avon Wilderness 6/2/16 Clubman 170klm

Saturday 06 February 2016, 08:00am - 05:00pm

by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Hits : 929

February 6th 2016 ride from  Cheynes Bridge taking in the Avon Wilderness,there are massive hills to descend and climb, around 18 river crossings, fuel will be required for 170klm, this ride is a massive day on the bike but a very fulfilling ride. If it’s a hot day {over 30 degrees} we would meet at Cheynes bridge for 6am for a 6.30am start so we can get back before 2pm for a swim in the river before heading home.

This ride is not for the faint hearted or unfit as you need to carry fuel and food and refreshments as no shops along the way just
long mountain trails and minimal stops. The views are spectacular, the trails will be dusty, the river crossings will be refreshing, the erosion mounds work well as jumps, there will be lots of rocks, mud, water, heat, dust, steep hills, other trail users, wild life, laughs smiles and a sense of adventure.

There will be limited spots for this ride so get your leave passes Pre-Approved, your haircuts and pedicures out the way,
if you put your name down I expect you to be their rain hail of shine { Barring something totally unavoidable} you listening Rudi?

Your bike will need to be in mechanically top condition, tubeless tyres or heavy heavy duty tubes, spare tube, dewatering
tools, spark plug, air filter, UHF radio etc and anything else you can think of just ask.

The ride is limited to 15 in total to which3 spots are already gone but as I said only put your name down if you are
committed as I would not want anyone who really wants to go to miss out.

Location : Cheynes Bridge
Contact : Will 0477690699
Lots of camping areas around Cheynes Bridge if anyone is keen.
