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TOPIC: Member Renewal Email

Member Renewal Email 09 Nov 2015 11:53 #12842

  • Mat R
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Some of you may have got or will get an email saying your membership is due.

If the link here works then your AMTRA 2015/2016 membership is current and the email is for the 2014/2015 membership which may not have been switched off when you renewed.

If you have renewed and the link does not work then email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with a note on when and how you paid membership and it should be sorted easily enough. If really urgent then call me on 0409 520 642.

If you get the email and have not renewed, then i invite you to renew here.


Mat Richmond
The older I get, the slower I was.
Last Edit: 09 Nov 2015 11:56 by Mat R.
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