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TOPIC: Bobs pre ride

Bobs pre ride 01 May 2016 13:52 #16043

  • sandra bob
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What a glorious  day to ride. Blue  skies and brilliant  sunshine and primo tracks thanks  to the fantastic  rain on Friday. 
I got to Big  Tower friday night just before 6 pm after going there straight  from work. Mark Ormrod  and Phil  Randall  were already  there..  johnny rocked up 5 minutes  before me... so a quick set up of the campsite  as the rain  had stopped... it was dinner time..steak, chops and a salad that i quickly  knocked up followed by little apple pies, tinned peaches and cream for dessert a cuppa and a natter it was bed time.
Saturday morning was perfect...Al Mason might have something  to say about that....:) a tad foggy maybe ? 
Ok breaky had, gear on, a quick ride briefing of which im sure none of the buggers heard.. but i did hear  an " oh do i have to" when i TOLD Johnny to pay attention... as i tried to be bossy... to no avail.
Off we went. Mullungdung  tck. Sheep Tck. Fenceline tck. Sandy whoopy tck. Feral tck. And a new  tck now called burnt leg tck.... hence need new riding pants and nursing a burn on inner left leg and Al having  to apply  first aid where he probably  would  have preferred  Johnny  did..  but he was with  Mark  and Phil as they  took an alternate  route while  i was practising  some overgrown  track skills. :sick:  next up was a Road leg.. Bobs new slightly  overgrown  whoopy fun as tck  and so on until we got to the helipad for lunch
Lunch had... off we went... Bobs cnr, drag Strip, satanic tck (see freddo for explanation) freds sandy hill; Mullungdung  hill, zebs tck, a quick squirt  back to the trailers as Mark and Phil were done for the day... quick stop to work out where  me Johnny and Al were going to head... hello telephone tck, bobs birthday tck, cave hill and nemesis hill... a log i didnt want to go over so decided the scrub was a better option and some encouraging words from Al saw this become quite comical.... This is where it got very interesting for  me as Johnny decided its about  time  i started to get a taste  of the gully system..  so he and Al led me like a lamb to the slaughter and basically  i was thrown in the deep end albeit lovingly and caringly as they both knew what was ahead of me  and as usual  walked me talked  me and nursed me through with encouraging "keep  going keep  going keep going"... and i made it.... my eyes apparently  were as big as dinner plates under ny goggles.... but I rode  it. I did it. So proud of myself as i was scared but i just listened  to the instructions.
Back to  the  cars as i was  cooked mentally after that... physically  i was fine and wanted to keep going..  but i know now if i was to do that again at least i know i have the skills to do  it. So thanks  guys.
Al and Phil said their goodbyes and johnny mark and i enjoyed enjoyed  a quiet  evening  with home made hamburgers for  dinner... off to bed with intentions of a sunday morning ride .

Hello early  morning thunderstorm... well that was it... nothing like a quick 5am pack up to get the  hell outta there.... so now  a quiet  lazy sunday arvo in the shed with the wood fire going and lovin the weekend.
Huge thanks  to Mark for  tail duties.
Huge thanks  to Phil for  Friday night dessert and coming  along to spend time with us.
Huge thanks  to Al for my Sean the Sheep, for the  first aid  and for supporting me as you always do.
And of course.   My hubby..   always looks after me and havin fun.
A great time was had.
Luv Bob. 
Do they come in pink? YES THEY DO!!
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Bobs pre ride 01 May 2016 17:33 #16044

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It wasn't foggy on the way in. Couldn't see any fog due to the fog!!!!!!

Thanks for a great day Grasshopper, Johnny, Uncle Phil and Mark. Was just the sort of ride I needed to test if my finger was ready for riding (almost) and to get out of the house after moving. The new tracks will really add to your loop and will mix it up some more for the punters. Got to play first aider, yet still involved a lot of laughs whilst doing it. So thanks for the ride and entertainment as always. Will see you out there in 3 weeks for the real deal. :)
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Bobs pre ride 01 May 2016 20:19 #16047

  • Phil Randall
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         I cant add much more to what Sandra and Al have already said.  Great weather and even better company.  It is a truly remarkable place to ride.    Mostly open and flowing tracks, a bit of sand, but not tooo deep, and for those who like it,  narrow over grown challenges.  By lunch time and about 80 km my legs were feeling a bit second hand.  Sandra was riding like a true champion even though she had a small off.  Mark and myself decided to sit out the afternoon and lounged about waiting for their return.
        But all  things come to an end, and I had to be in Melb for Sunday early, so it was off home for me.

Thanks Sandra and Johnny for a memorable day,
Phil R.
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